Monthly Report
While long-term investing is one of the proven ways to earn superior returns in capital markets, short-term opportunities exist as well. The caveat here is that these returns are lower and more risky. Our technical research combines research and data analytics team to produce time-bound recommendations for our clients.
- Our Technical desk is much sought after for its daily and positional views/calls that hold weightage during uncertain market cycles
- The team provides clients with access to world-class expertise in technical research that enhances portfolio performance and minimizes risk
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Monthly Report |
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Aug - 2023 |
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Sep - 2023 |
Research Performance |
Fundamental Report
Our team of experienced analysts strongly believes that investing is all about buying a stock at a discount to its determinable intrinsic value. We believe that bottom-up investing is a great way to identify high- conviction ideas for our clients. This approach has helped us differentiate our research in the following way:
- Following a disciplined approach has helped us build a credible track record of recommendations studded with multi-bagger gems, in the short time period of our operations
- We also bring a strong network of experts in industry as well as the economy to provide insights to our clients to supplementing equity research
Fundamental Report |
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Technical Report
While long-term investing is one of the proven ways to earn superior returns in capital markets, short-term opportunities exist as well. The caveat here is that these returns are lower and more risky. Our technical research combines research and data analytics team to produce time-bound recommendations for our clients.
- Our Technical desk is much sought after for its daily and positional views/calls that hold weightage during uncertain market cycles
- The team provides clients with access to world-class expertise in technical research that enhances portfolio performance and minimizes risk
- The team applies its expertise throughout the complete lifecycle of the trade: pre-trade analysis, structuring and execution of trades, post-trade management and reporting
Technical Report |
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Commodity & FX Watch |
Top 4 Stock Picks |
Given that derivatives form over 90% of total volumes in the capital markets, they can be used as an effective tool to manage portfolios, as well as for short term gains. While returns using derivatives as a trading tool can be lucrative, however they come with their inherent risks. Our derivatives desk identifies various strategies that not only help clients in using derivatives for trading but also as a tool to increase returns on existing portfolios.
- Our Derivatives desk is much sought after for its daily and positional views/calls on indices as well as on individual stocks
- The team provides clients access to strong quantitative and analytical skills for both plain vanilla trading strategies as well as for complex strategies including those that are event based and/or portfolio based
Month |
Derivatives Report |
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Aug - 2023 |
Rollover Analysis |
Sep - 2023 |
Rollover Analysis |
Research Product Offerings
YES SECURITIES research offers investment opportunities across different investment horizons ranging from intraday picks to long term recommendations. Investment horizon is identified on the basis of fundamental analysis, combination of technical and fundamental analysis; and technical analysis. Typical horizon would be:
Long Term recommendations: based on fundamental analysis and recommendations would be for an investment horizon of 12 to 18 months.
Medium Term recommendations: based on a combination of technical and fundamental analysis and investment horizon would typically be 45-90 days.
Short Term recommendations: based on technical analysis and various chart patterns, investment horizon would typically be less than 45 days.